Reaction Time Test

This test analyzes your reflexes and measures how fast you can react to the on-screen prompts. It precisely calculates how fast you click and displays the result in milliseconds. The average score of this reaction time test is 273 ms. A lower number means your reaction to the on-screen prompt took less time to click. A higher score means you were slower to react and click.

So, if you score lower than 273 ms, you are already in a good place. However, if you scored a higher number, you will need to practice more and hone in on your reflexes. Also, the score is a bit exaggerated by the latency of your computer. When you click on your mouse, the signal from the mouse travels through the system and is then shown on the display.

This process can take about 10–50ms, which is also added to the score. Without the computer latency, your reaction time score could be even better. Using a high refresh rate monitor with a faster computer will result in a better score. Also, avoid doing this test if your computer is connected to a TV. That’s because TVs can have over 100 ms of latency, pushing the score into a worse category.