Chimp Test

The Chimp Test is about memorizing how numbers are arranged on the screen and following through on the same pattern. After each win, the number of digits on the screen will keep increasing, making it difficult as you go through the levels. Various tests conclude that chimps excel in this test for some reason, and that’s how the test got its name.

The first level consists of 4 numbers on the screen, so it’s easy to remember the pattern, but most humans fail when it reaches 7–8 numbers. On the contrary, most chimpanzees can clear levels with nine numbers, and that is too easy. They easily beat most humans in this test.

Can you reach the level with seven numbers? Chances are you will, and if you keep practicing, you may reach levels with 8 or even 9 numbers and come close to beating a chimpanzee in one of their most successful tests.