Human Benchmark

Human benchmark tools were created to test the potential and range of capabilities of machines, whether that’s a robot or a computer. These human benchmark tools for machines have existed for a while, yet we didn’t have benchmarking tools for the most advanced species in the world, humans. A few memory tools have been here, but there was never a full set of viable human benchmarks.

So today, we are presenting the first full set of benchmark human service tools that we are hoping will change the way we measure and enhance the peak capability and efficiency of the human mind. We have designed a total of seven different tools to gauge the full potential of the human mind and how far we can push them. We must push our minds further to discover and learn more.

We have been pushing right from the beginning. If we hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t have mastered the art of hunting with spears or even discovered fire. The more we pushed, the further we went on our journey, yet we still have room for more growth. So, let’s take the first step towards achieving human excellence with our first test, the reaction time test. This test will assess how fast your reflexes are and how quickly you can react to the on-screen text elements.

The first score won’t be as good as you hope, but keep trying, and it will improve. Our second test is memory sequencing, which involves memorizing a certain pattern and entering the same to see how well your memory fares. Then we have the aim test, number memory test, chimp test, visual memory test, and more.

Each test is designed to challenge different parts of the brain and push them further to provoke new thoughts and ideas to help you solve and get ahead of these challenges. The more thoughts you have, the higher your IQ becomes. Albert Einstein is considered one of the most brilliant men on earth, and he has an IQ of 160. But the average IQ of humans is somewhat below 100.

So, an average human has yet to achieve the mental capacity that Albert Einstein had over 100 years ago. This speaks volumes about how far behind an average human is. With the Industrial Revolution, our average lives got easier, and we stopped pushing our minds harder. Our set of human benchmark tools hopes to push human intelligence further.

We can once again strive to achieve the same IQ level as Albert Einstein or even higher. But first, we have to start somewhere. So, start with these tests and see how far you can get ahead.